Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Response to my friends blog

My friend Adam posed a question on his blog. I'm going to make you go here to read it. My response was so long I lost it a couple times so I decided to put it on my own blog. Is that cheating? Oh well.

The First Presidency stated in 1976: “Family home evening is for everyone. It is for families with parents and children, for families with just one parent, and for parents who have no children at home. It is for home evening groups of single adults and for those who live alone or with roommates. …
“Regular participation in family home evening will develop increased personal worth, family unity, love for our fellowmen, and trust in our Father in heaven. It is our promise that great blessings will come to all who conscientiously plan and hold weekly family home evenings.”

A topical definition of FHE says, "Church leaders have instructed members to set aside Monday night as "family home evening." This is a time for families to study the gospel together and to do other activities that strengthen the family spiritually, create family memories, and increase unity and love."

Additionally, in a March 2003 First Presidency message President Hinckley was quoted as saying, "“You have to establish in your life some sense of prioritizing things, of giving emphasis to the important things and of laying aside the unimportant things that will lead to nothing. Establish a sense of justice, a sense of what is good and what is not good, what is important and is not important; and that can become a marvelous and wonderful blessing in your lives”.

I think it's wise to agree with the First Presidency and say that FHE is for everyone. In a family setting I imagine you would make decisions together about what FHE will be for you, and while we're single we have the responsibility to decide what that will mean for us individually. I know some people who have school on Monday nights and don't attend FHE. I have a friend who takes Monday nights as their own personal time to be settled at home and at times visits with her own family in the area. Since I can admit that I was one of those who left FHE after the lesson and went to Red Robin I should give a reason for that decision and say that yes, for one week I thought it was fine to leave early and have dinner with some friends I see regularly and some others I don’t know as well. If I hadn’t gone to dinner I still would have left early to go to the gym. (I know I traded out the gym for Red Robin, typical!) To make a long comment short, I think that while it's important to make efforts to participate in the prescribed YSA FHE plan, it can be just as beneficial at times to mix it up a bit or spend Monday nights doing something you feel is appropriate for your stage of life.


LuckyRedHen said...

Monday afternoon I returned the Cuisinart I borrowed from a friend.

As I pulled up she said, "Oh, I was hoping you were the electrician. Half our power has been out all day." I demanded their family of 5 come for dinner at 6pm (not knowing what I'd serve and it was 3pm).

Using the council giving to us by the scriptures, church leaders and prayerful searching... we are given the gift of free agency to decide on our own. Hopefully our decisions are righteous and we stay on the right track.

We all have our "seasons" in life. Mine isn't doing geneology paperwork right now... instead I'm growing kids, keeping a house together, attending the temple as I can and offering service.

As for singles attending FHE... I don't see how it would HURT unless your attitude is stinky about it (I'm not saying that ducking out, being late or not showing up is stinky... more like being there and being negative). We make experiences what we want.

I wasn't in the mood to be at church one Sunday recently. I had a stinky attitude about it and only saw the negative. How fulfilling was that time for me? It had a negative affect... my bucket was emptying instead of filling and my attitude determined that. If, instead, I was positive and looked for the good then I could've been blessed, happy and gotten something useful from it.

Anonymous said...

Well written article.