If you'd like to brush up on your knowledge of Chinese New Year you can ask Adam or check this out. For anyone born in 1984, this is your year!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Chinese New Year, Seattle Style
If you'd like to brush up on your knowledge of Chinese New Year you can ask Adam or check this out. For anyone born in 1984, this is your year!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Catching Up

I never thought I would be one of those girls who said this, but chivalry might actually be dead. Mike was on a roll that day, what with taking pictures of TJ after he passed out, and then after potluck he was picking up tables like a good little Priesthood holder. He asks me to hold the table, which I do, and then he leaves me holding it so he could mess with his phone. What else could I do but take a picture. I should add that as I was rolling it away to put in the side closet another guy did offer to take it for me, but I declined (I didn't want anyone else to bear Mike's burden).
And finally I'd like to give a shout out to Pam's spirit of competition. I've recently discovered that Pam cannot stand to lose at anything, including Connect Four. We were at Kerri's since Pam had a snow day from school and their friend Randall (that's just what they call her, now I can't remember her real name) came over to hang out. They have this love for Connect Four which I don't totally understand, but Pam got schooled not once, but TWICE. There was much yelling by Pam and Kerri clapping for Randall. Sorry Pam! Better luck next time. Although it's not so much luck as paying attention to the little pattern that could connect four tokens...
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Richard G. Scott Fireside
Response to my friends blog
The First Presidency stated in 1976: “Family home evening is for everyone. It is for families with parents and children, for families with just one parent, and for parents who have no children at home. It is for home evening groups of single adults and for those who live alone or with roommates. …
“Regular participation in family home evening will develop increased personal worth, family unity, love for our fellowmen, and trust in our Father in heaven. It is our promise that great blessings will come to all who conscientiously plan and hold weekly family home evenings.”
A topical definition of FHE says, "Church leaders have instructed members to set aside Monday night as "family home evening." This is a time for families to study the gospel together and to do other activities that strengthen the family spiritually, create family memories, and increase unity and love."
Additionally, in a March 2003 First Presidency message President Hinckley was quoted as saying, "“You have to establish in your life some sense of prioritizing things, of giving emphasis to the important things and of laying aside the unimportant things that will lead to nothing. Establish a sense of justice, a sense of what is good and what is not good, what is important and is not important; and that can become a marvelous and wonderful blessing in your lives”.
I think it's wise to agree with the First Presidency and say that FHE is for everyone. In a family setting I imagine you would make decisions together about what FHE will be for you, and while we're single we have the responsibility to decide what that will mean for us individually. I know some people who have school on Monday nights and don't attend FHE. I have a friend who takes Monday nights as their own personal time to be settled at home and at times visits with her own family in the area. Since I can admit that I was one of those who left FHE after the lesson and went to Red Robin I should give a reason for that decision and say that yes, for one week I thought it was fine to leave early and have dinner with some friends I see regularly and some others I don’t know as well. If I hadn’t gone to dinner I still would have left early to go to the gym. (I know I traded out the gym for Red Robin, typical!) To make a long comment short, I think that while it's important to make efforts to participate in the prescribed YSA FHE plan, it can be just as beneficial at times to mix it up a bit or spend Monday nights doing something you feel is appropriate for your stage of life.